Vision, Programs,
Motivation, Goals, and Policies
Our Vision:
To raise up our children as Messianic Jewish Believers, in the context of Messianic Judaism.
Our Programs:
Nursery: During the service, feel free to bring your children ages 1-4 for a time of safe play with our friendly and qualified nursery staff.- Safe play for ages 1-4 (children ages 3-4 will be taken to their own Shabbat Preschool program following the Torah service, see below)
- Diapering station available for moms, and a separate Mommy-Baby Room for nursing mothers and their babies.
- Please take your child(ren) to the potty before bringing him or her to the nursery. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but due to constraints, we will not be able to take your child(ren) to the potty or change soiled diapers. We will notify you if your child asks to go potty, if they show signs of needing to go potty, or if their diaper appears soiled and smelly. Thank you for understanding.
Weekly Shabbat Preschool: During the service, after praise & worship and the Torah Service, children ages 3-5 are invited to join Shabbat Preschool. During this program, experienced early-childhood teachers will lead the children in fun, energetic, and memorable Bible-related songs and activities. This program is so much fun, the children will want to come back week after week!- Shabbat Preschool program designed specifically for ages 3-5
- Experienced and friendly early-childhood teachers
- Bible-based activities designed specifically for preschoolers
Weekly Shabbat School: During the service, after praise & worship and the Torah Service, children ages 6-10 are invited to join Shabbat School. During this program, Shabbat School Teachers will guide the children in listening to and discussing the current Torah Portion, making observations, asking questions, and applying truths to their own lives.- Shabbat School program for children ages 6-10 years old
- The Shabbat School will consist of Torah-based lessons, including reading (hearing) and review of the weekly portion
- Additional activities such as coloring, arts and crafts, story-time, games, and Israeli dance
Summer Day Camp: "Messianic Jewish Heritage" - July 22nd-26th, 2024- A Monday-through-Friday, one-week free program in the summer for children ages 5-10
- We had a wonderfully blessed time together!
- Save the date for next year - Divine Designer Day Camp July 21-25, 2025

Our Motivation:
The children of CBY are fertile soil, carefully prepared and tended by their parents to receive the Word of God. We, CBY's Children's Ministry Team, are the farmers who spread the seed. I believe that as we sow the Word of God into our children, the future rewards in their individual lives, in the congregation, and in the world, will be tremendous! The harvest will be great, and the time to plant is now!
See Mark 4:1-20 for the inspiring words behind our motivation!
Our Goals for Every Child:
- To develop a relationship of trust with the Living God of Israel through Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah and the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit
- To develop a strong Messianic Jewish identity including, but not limited to, the weekly Shabbat, High Holydays, Hebrew/English blessings, learning the Hebrew language, and the Biblically based ancient and modern traditions
- To develop a basic understanding of what Messianic Judaism is and is not
- To develop a familiarity with the Scriptures, including a firm foundation of Bible knowledge, highlighting the Jewishness of the Scriptures
- To know that there are evidences of our faith, including Messianic prophecy, scientific evidences for Creation, and archaeological proofs
- To develop multi-generational relationships within CBY to enhance their sense of community, of belonging, and of being important to our community
Our Policies:
- Parents please sign children in/out from program.
- First time visitors please fill out an information form so we have your contact info.
- Please take children to the bathroom before dropping off at Shabbat School.
- Please keep your phone on vibrate during the service and close by in case we need to text and get in touch.
- Safety is an extremely high priority at CBY. The Child Protection Process ensures the safety and well-being of children and youth by evaluating volunteers and providing clear instructions regarding proper conduct with children. All adults wishing to work with children in any capacity or ministry must complete the Child Protection Process which includes having updated background checks on file. All adults involved with children have met specific requirements to serve in the Children's Ministry.
- If you have any questions about these programs or would like to volunteer, please email our Shabbat School Director 6-10yo, Jennifer Crowley and she will be in touch with you.